Beauty · natural hair · Self care · women

Wash and Go 101 – Water is Crucial

Last week was the first post in the Wash and Go Series – if you didn’t get a chance to read it, click here. In this post, we’re going to talk about what I think is the most important thing to get a great wash and go.

Before we continue though, let’s talk about what a wash and go is:

A wash and go is a style that involves wetting the hair and styling with minimal manipulation like twisting or braiding. It’s not a style that’s quick, but one that takes technique and time on the first day of styling to achieve maximum results that can last for additional days.

Products Needed:

  • Butterfly clips
  • Spray bottle with water
  • Hair moisturizer such as hair milk (my personal fav) or butter
  • Styling product such as gel, smoothie, or mousse (don’t sleep on mousse ya’ll)
  • Bobby pins, hair bands, or other products to style your hair

Step 1 – Wet your hair

This step is crucial if you want to avoid your wash and go looking like a hot mess. After you wash and deep condition your hair, remove the excess water from your hair with a microfiber towel or cotton t-shirt without completely drying your hair. Leave your hair as wet as you can stand it. Of course, no one wants water dripping all down their neck and clothes, so remove the excess to where this won’t happen.

Do not attempt to do a wash and go on dry hair – IT WON’T WORK! Anything good takes time and effort, and your hair is not the exception. Next week, we’ll discuss the next step in achieving this. In the meantime, check your product stash and make sure you have the above listed items, and get ready to be hair goals!


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